Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Double Negative

Michael Heizer, Double Negative, 1969-70, Mormon Mesa, Overton Nevada

Monday, July 30, 2012


Grândola, swarthy town
Land of fraternity
It is the people
who lead Inside of you,
oh city Inside of you,
oh city
It is the people who lead
Land of fraternity
Grândola, swarthy town
On each corner, a friend In each face, equality
Grândola, swarthy town
Land of fraternity
Land of fraternity
Grândola, swarthy town
In each face, equality
It is the people who lead
In the shadow of a holm oak
Which no longer knew its ageI swore to have your willas my companion,
I swore to have your willas my companion, Grândola.
In the shadow of a holm oak
Which no longer knew its age

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Sea Of Ice


Sunday, January 22, 2012

Eyes that last I saw in tears

Eyes that last I saw in tears
Through division
Here in death's dream kingdom
The golden vision reappears
I see the eyes but not the tears
This is my affliction
This is my affliction
Eyes I shall not see again
Eyes of decision
Eyes I shall not see unless
At the door of death's other kingdom
Where, as in this,
The eyes outlast a little while
A little while outlast the tears
And hold us in derision.
Thomas Stearns Eliot